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Product exchange/return

Exchange & Returns of goods 

If the goods are not suitable or has a manufacturing defect — we will exchange it for any other or refund money.

Return/replacement of product available for 14 days after the order receipt.

Return/replacement of product produced by:
(art. 9 of the Ukrainian Law "About the protection of consumer rights»)
  • if it is not in use;.
  • stored presentation (no stains, tips, creases and dents);
  • to preserve the integrity of labels, tags, labels, original packaging;

If you are visually evaluated the product and realized that it does not suitable you or feel discomfort in the fitting process, please let us know and we will solve the problem together.

For clothing and top knitwear the exchange or refund money is possible.
For the lingerie, swimsuits and hosiery only exchange is possible.

Exchange of ingerie swimwear, hosiery.

Exchange of corsetry, lingerie, swimsuits and hosiery prohibited by Ukrainian law (see Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers ), we understand the complexity of the goods' selection via the Internet, so we will exchange unsuitable things without any problems.

The following items only accept unopened, i.e. if you simply change your mind without trying on the purchase of:
  • tights;
  • stockings;
  • socks;
  • stickers on his chest;
  • silicone bras;
  • breast pads;
  • correcting lingerie.

Lingerie and swimsuits we recommend to try on your own clothes, until you are sure that the product is suitable. Only after you have decided to leave it, you can remove the labels and tags.

Exchange/Returns of clothes

For the clothing and the top knitwear, namely T-shirts, tops, shirts, jumpers, pants, leggings and clothing for sleep - the exchanged for any item in the store or refund is possible.

Procedure of repayment/exchange for Kyiv:
Goods' exchange in Kyiv produces courier or you come to our office.
Driving out of courier in Kyiv for goods' exchange - 15 UAH. 
  1. Within 14 days after the order receipt, please inform the reason of exchange/refund by e-mail:
  2. Carefully pack the item in a full complectation with tags and original packaging, which have been upon the goods' receipt;
  3. If you want to get the goods on exchange, issued the new order on-line,
    pointing in the comments "ORDER ON EXCHANGE».
    If the order amount is more than the previous — we will put the invoice for surcharge. 
    If it is less - the money will be credited to your personal account to pay for the following orders.
  4. Come to our office with good or wait for the courier with the goods on exchange.

Warning! The refund is carried out only in the office at the address: A.Verbitskiy str. 12, entrance №5, the extreme side of arrival, 4th floor, office №196.

The procedure for refund/exchange for the region.
  1. Within 14 days after order receipt, please, inform us the reason of exchange/refund by e-mail:
  2. Carefully pack the item in a full complectation with tags and original packaging, which have been upon the goods' receipt;
  3. Send the goods back according to the table. 
    UkrpostNew Post Avtolux
    Recipient Glukhov Alexander
    Glukhov Alexander
    Adress 02091, Kyiv, p.o. Box 8 Kyiv Warehouse №22 Revutskiy str. 26 Teplovisna str., 18D
    Mob. Phone +380 (97) 127-09-88
    Do not specify the return delivery or cash on delivery when sending the order on exchange.

    Warning! The exchange of goods carried out of approached by the buyer. If you sent the goods at our expense money, we will deduct the cost of item. In a case of incorrect order complectation or defects - sending by the store.

  4. Tells us Waybill number (declaration) by phone, sms or by e-mail
    - Email: , copy:
    - SMS mobile: +380 (67) 232-73-15
    - By phone: +380 (44) 233-77-88, +380 (67) 232-73-15, +380 (93) 309-91 -88
    0-800-200-745 free even mobile.
  5. If you want to get the goods on exchange, make the new order on the site,
    pointing out in the comments "ORDER ON EXCHANGE" .
    If the order amount is more than the previous - we will invoice at an extra surcharge. 
    If it is less — the money will be credited to your personal account for the following order payment.
  6. We will send the order on exchange as soon as receive your package.

The refund is made within 10 days:.
  • to a personal account in the store for pay the following orders;
  • on your Privatbank card;
  • postal order.

97% of our customers were satisfied!
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