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Privacy and personal data - The confidentiality rules of personal data
The application carried out the certain personal data of Users.

The Controller and Owner of the data
FOP Gluhovskiy A.V,

Categories of Data collected 
The owner does not provide a list of the Personal data collected.

Other Personal data collected may be described in other sections by these confidentiality rules of the personal data or in a special explanatory text in the context of Data collection.
The personal data may be provided by User on his own or it can be implement the Annex automatically during it's using.

Unless the other did not indicated, annex or owners of the third-party services, which involves the application, use the files «cookie» (or other means of tracking) for the identification of Users and the storing of the global settings established only for the purpose of providing the service, required by User.

Users are responsible for the third person's Personal data, which they receive, publish or provide to others using the app and confirm that they have the consent of a third person for the providing data to Owner .

Method and place of data processing

The method of processing
Data processing is carried out with the using of computers and (or) means of supporting of information technology (IT) according to organizational procedures and methods which are strictly related with the specified objectives. In some cases, Data may be available, apart from the Data controllers, for the certain categories of decision makers associated with providing the functioning of the Web-site (administration, sales department, marketing department, legal department, system administrators), or third parties (such as third-party providers of technical services, postal organizations, providers of hosting services, companies-suppliers of information technology, communications services), which the Owner designates, if necessary, to serve as a Data processor. An updated list of these persons you can request from the Data Controller at any time.

Data processed in the COO 's offices of the Data controller and in any other places where there are parties involved of this processing. For more detailed information, refer to Data Controller.

Shelf life
The Data is stored for time required to provide the service requested by User, or determined by the objectives described in this document, and the User can refer to the Data controller in any time with request to suspend the use of Data, or delet them.

The using of Data collected 
Collection of Data related to the User is carried out in order to enable the Owner to provide services, as well as for the following purposes: Access to accounts in the third parties services.

The Personal data used for every goal, are described in the relevant sections of this document.

Access rights in Facebook, which requests the application.
The application can request the access rights on Facebook that allows you to carry out the actions with the User account on Facebook and extract the information, including the Personal data.

The additional information about the following access rights are listed in documents of Documentation about the access rights in the Facebook network and Confidentiality rules of Personal data ensuring in Facebook network.

Requires the following access rights: The city of current residence, Actions, Birthday, Access to personal data, Requests access, Marks "Like", Information about me, Notification from the application and E-mail.

Detailed information about the processing of Personal data
The Personal data are collected for the following purposes and with the help of the following services:

Access to the accounts in the third parties services

Thanks to these favors the application can access the Data via your account in a third party service and perform the operations with them.
These services are not activated automatically, and require the permission in explicitly by User.

Access to Facebook in the network account (Application)

Thanks to this service, the application can connect with a User account in Facebook social network provided by Facebook now, Inc

The requested permission: City of the current residence, Actions, Birthday, Access to Personal data, Requests access, Marks "Like" Information about me, Notification from the application and E-mail.

Processing Place: United States - Confidentiality rules of Personal data ensuring

Delete user registration data

Under certain circumstances, you may need to delete your personal data from the user base. This is relevant in cases:

  1. Rejections of processing on the basis of legitimate interests (if you believe that the processing of your data violates your rights and freedoms).
  2. If you stop using the online store (when your data is no longer needed to identify your order history or previously used delivery addresses).
  3. Rejection of advertising messages (in cases where you no longer want to receive advertising messages from us sent based on your account).

Instructions for deleting an account on

To delete all data, you need to submit a request to the online store using one of the following methods:

  • Write a letter to the mail
  • Submit a request to a chat bot in Telegram or Viber
  • Write a message to Direct in social networks Facebook or Instagram.

After a short check by a store employee, all your personal data and personal account will be deleted from the online store database

Additional information about Data collection and processing

Going to court
User's Personal data may be used for legal purposes by the Data Controller in court or in steps which are leading to the possibility of recourse to the court by the reason that the application or related services used improperly.

User are aware of the fact that the Data controller may be required to notify the Personal data upon request of public authorities.

Additional information about User's Personal Data 
Apart from the information contained in these rules shall of ensuring the Personal data confidentiality, the application can provide users upon request the additional contextual information relating to a particular service or services and the collection and processing of Personal data.

System Logs and Maintenance
In order to ensure the operation of the system and its maintenance of the application and any third-party services can keep files in which registered the application interaction with the user (log files), or use the other personal data (eg, IP-address) for this purpose.     

Information missing in these rules
For more information regarding the collection or processing of Personal data, you can request from the Controller data at any time. See the contact information listed at the beginning of this document.     

Users rights 
Users have the right in any time to find out if their Personal data has been saved, and can apply to Data controllers to know their content and origin, to verify their authenticity, or ask them to supplement, to cancel, update or correct or to convert in format that ensures the anonymity or block any data stored in violation of the law, and to oppose them treatment for all, without exception, legal grounds. Enquiries should be addressed to Data controllers to the address indicated above at the contact particulars.

The application does not support queries "Do Not Track» (Do Not Track).
In order to determine if they support this or that used third-party service requests "Do not track" refer to the relevant provision of Personal data privacy rules.

Changes to these rules to ensure the confidentiality of Personal data
Data Controller stipulates the right at any time to amend these rules to ensure the confidentiality of Personal data by posting a notice on this page for Users. It is strongly recommended to frequently check this page and the last change date indicated at the bottom of the page. If you disagree with any changes made to the rules, the User should stop using the application, and may request that the Data controller delet his/her Personal data. If it is not stated the otherwise, operating at the time to ensure data privacy rules apply to all the user's Personal data held by the Data controller.     

Information about these rules on the personal data confidentiality 
Data controller is responsible for these rules to ensure the personal data confidentiality, prepared by initially using modules provided by Iubenda company and placed on its servers.
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